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contoh kalimat brandt report

"brandt report" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Twenty years later, in 2001, the Brandt Report was updated by James Quilligan, who was Information Director for the Brandt Commission between 1980 and 1987.
    Pada tahun 2001, Laporan Brandt diperbarui oleh James Quilligan, Direktur Informasi Komisi Brandt tahun 1980 dan 1987.
  • The Brandt Report suggests primarily that a great chasm in standard of living exists along the North-South divide and there should therefore be a large transfer of resources from developed to developing countries.
    Laporan Brandt menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan standar hidup yang besar di garis kesenjangan Utara-Selatan dan menyarankan agar transfer sumber daya yang besar dilakukan dari negara maju ke negara berkembang.